His Story 03
Excellent marks in tenth boards, had bought him a ticket to a nice city,where our guy lived now. Everyone had huge expectations out of him. He was in a nice college and a coaching institution. The teachers assure him,that two years in here would assure him admission into the best engineering colleges in country.
The first half goes pretty smooth. He attends his all classes. He has a fixed routine. He falls in love with his independent life, where all decisions are his, no boundaries and no conditions. Confidence radiates out of him. He starts enjoying good things in life. Meanwhile the studies are getting tougher everyday. Numbers did not interest him. Only things that caught his interest were with which he could relate or see a practical applications. Teachers gave really nice motivational lectures, which impressed him. He thought upon all that, and it seemed like great philosophies to him. And success sounded so damn easy.
" So true " He would say inside his head.Time passed by slowly.
The " So true" still came in his head in classes.
" Wows" still came, impressed by the formula or approach taught by the teachers to solve toughest of problems of mathematics,physics and chemistry.
But ...the effect had started fading away.
It had got confined to the four walls of the classroom. The moment he was out with his friends, it would start fading away.
Some retreating thoughts would knock on the doors of his head. But he never opened it. He wanted to play with computers, and he was told that needed an engineering degree in computer science, and that needed play with complex theories and numbers.....equations....endless and mindless!
The head teacher would still show his charm with motivational talks during lectures. And the belief still remained inside him. And still days passed him by....!
And finally a day comes...He sits with his two friends in the class. He made few very close friends. The teacher starts off some motivational philosophy,and shortcut approaches to questions.
This time there were no " So true" and "Wows.."...but laughing and understanding eye contact with both if his friends sitting on his each side.
Then comes the mocking joke on the teacher's remark in his ear, and they laughed ....!